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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Oh, What A Night!

"In mid-January, back in '08.." (Doesn't have quite the same ring as the original, "Oh, What A Night!") Anyway, the little one has been really under the weather. On Thursday, when we almost had this cold knocked out of her, she caught it again from her father. AHAHAHAH! So, I give up. We are going to the doctor first thing in the morning and if they don't give me an early appointment, so help me God, I will reach through the phone and explain the fires of Hell to that nurse. (Can you tell that I haven't gotten any sleep in two nights?)


Judy said...

And the doctor said??

Being A Family said...

The doctor said that it was just a virus that the little had to fight off. That didn't seem to make me feel better. I wanted him to be specific and give me some miracle medication that was going to end all the misery. No luck.