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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

God Shots

I've been trying to take life at a calmer pace. My body seems to be rejecting any kind of stress. (This is not easy.) Recently, at a calmer pace I have noticed that my life has been filled with subtle"God Shots." (A term from a Jay Mohr comedy routine.) Little happenings that occur that remind us that God is with us and that others exemplify the light of Christ when we need it most.

To the people at Friendly's:

Thank you, for a very nice and stress-free lunch yesterday, even though the little one seemed to re-plaster the highchair with macaroni and cheese and had an intense conversation with the waitstaff over salad dressing. Thank you, for the free balloon and letting us exchange Reese's Pieces with M & M's ,because the little cannot have peanut butter yet, on her sundae. Thank you, for letting my husband try, unsuccessfully, to win at the games in the restaurant, at the amusement of the little one. It was some of the most fun that this snowed-in, sickly, pregnant family has had in a very long time.

To my husband:

Thank you, for watching the little one as often as possible so that I can let my food settle. Thank you, for trying to stay on top of the dishes and the cleaning. Thank you. for always knowing what to do when my food doesn't stay down. (But the refrigerator has something growing within that will soon grow legs and walk out, so if you could think about finding it, my stomach and nose would be most grateful.)

To my mothers:

Thank you, mom and mom-in-law, for spontaneously surprising me with cleaning my kitchen when you come over to watch the little one, even though it takes me a week to find where you have put everything. It makes for a fun little game, and you are a good sport about it. Thank you, to my mom who makes us food when I no longer have the stomach to cook or eat the food that my husband makes. Thank you, for even making food when I don't ask.

And thank you, to the little one, who can act as if she has a constant diet of refined sugar, for giving the occasional hug and kiss to remind me why I go through this everyday.

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