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Monday, January 21, 2008

Great News!

For those of you who do not know, our family is expecting a new addition. We are so excited to be having another baby. We heard the heart-beat for the first time today. It sent my husband over the moon. I immediately asked, "How many beats per minute?" (Because I panic.) Our little one has requested a little brother and a little sister, but the medical community has confirmed that there is only one in there. (Whew!) We are due in late July and have so much work to do to get ready.

A little worried about what a new addition will mean to our family chemistry, we have been reading and researching the best plan for our family. It can be difficult, but anything worth having is worth a little difficulty. It's back to the books for me. All major decisions in my life have always been followed by a research and reflection period so that I feel more mentally ready to accept the challenge. (I know, I know, I'm a bit high-strung.) My husband is calmer and doesn't seem to panic quite as much as I do. (At least there is a balance.) Thank God for prayer.

Physically, my appetite has come back (as my husband does a little happy dance because this means yummy food in the making). I get, what I call, the "tireds" and nausea, but those have been waining since the first weeks of the pregnancy. Right now, the little one and I seem to be on the same schedule: she sleeps, I sleep, she eats, I eat. It's working so far. It's all in God's hands.

1 comment:

Judy said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited. I truly know that all will be well and the "little one" will love her sibling.

I feel like I am going to be a grandmother all over again!!!

Continue to take good care of yourself. Love to all.