Welcome to Being Mom. We are so happy that you are spending some time here today. This blog is designed for visitors to explore modern parenting in the Catholic Faith. Raising children is difficult in an unsure world. Raising children in the Faith can be just as difficult. We invite you to read and comment, gain some insight on service and education, and discover and share ways to contribute to the community. Treat yourself .

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Life in the Great Northeast

This is how you know you live East of Nowhere.....

This morning my husband had to crank up the snow-blower as the sun was rising to clear the driveway. Not too uncommon. But he had a bit of trouble getting out because the dirt road that our driveway is adjacent to had not been plowed. So he snow blowed that, too. It's not so much that it hadn't been plowed, but that it was never going to be plowed. See, the town refuses to plow this road for some unknown reason and the only way we can get out is if a 70 year old neighbor of ours that bears a striking resemblance to Santa Claus, encourages his 50 year old Jeep Wrangler, which he coaxes with sweet nothings to get up the hill. However, he mainly plows because his younger sister must use this dirt road as well. So if she doesn't need him to plow he might not, or in the very best do it when he is ready and able, rather than at our family's convenience. Although this situation is good for a laugh, the Church my husband works at cannot stop masses, funerals, and meetings simply because it snowed. So we make the best of it. My husband is usually covered in a cloud of snow from the snow blower, our daughter knows the sound of it almost instantly, and we all pray for small scrapper banks and warm sun to melt our troubles away.

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