Welcome to Being Mom. We are so happy that you are spending some time here today. This blog is designed for visitors to explore modern parenting in the Catholic Faith. Raising children is difficult in an unsure world. Raising children in the Faith can be just as difficult. We invite you to read and comment, gain some insight on service and education, and discover and share ways to contribute to the community. Treat yourself .

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dream Loud

When the stars aline, once in a great while, the children are supposed to have an overlap of about 45 minutes in the afternoon when they are both napping. Ah, thank Jesus. Well, today was one of those golorious moments.

Before I but the oldest down, she is reminded that her little sibling is trying hard to stay asleep. We have a saying, "No thumping, no bumping, no taking, no dancing, no jumping, no singing, no nothing." It's silly, but it works. Today, at the end of the little poem she says, "but I can dream, right?" I said, "Yes, you can dream. Dream loud!" She loved that and I got to enjoy 45 minutes of peace.

Do we dream loud? As adults with many responsiblities, we are often entrenched in day to day routines. Do we give ourselves time to pray about our dreams? Not the dreams we have in our sleep, but our hopes and wishes for the future? Do we give ourselves the opportunity to think about our dreams for the world? How can we be used by God to make dreams come true for others?

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