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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


My family loves pie. We would rather have pie than cake most of the time. When we ask the little one what dessert she would like to have she always says pie. It can be better for you than cake if you watch the sugar and limit the saturated fat in the crust. Anyway, our special Valentine's Day dessert is a Mixed Berry Pie this year rather than sugar cookies full of frosting or something laden with fat.

Mixed Berry Pie
Uses a store bought crust or make your own and fill it with frozen mixed berries. (We like Wynman's mixed berries with no sugar. And we like to make our own crust so that we can use unsalted butter.) I add the juice of one fresh lemon, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of white sugar, and a couple of tablespoons of flour so that the filling will thicken. I mix everything in a gallon sized storage bag and pour it into your crust. (No bowls. Who needs that?) Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Tah-Dah! Beautiful Mixed Berry Pie in the middle of February.

Pie brings us so much joy. Share some dessert with someone you love.

And don't forget; Pie Day is March 14th. (Get it: 3.14)

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