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Monday, February 18, 2008

Favorite Games

The new favorite game of the day is Hide & Seek. Not only do we hide ourselves or a parent, but we also hide stuffed animals, clothes, and anything else that we can get our hands on. We stand in the middle of the room. Put our hands over our eyes and count to ten as fast as humanly possible and sing, "Ready or not, here I come." We giggle and laugh our way through the finding process and then have to repeat it instantly.

I know I never had this much fun playing hide and seek as a child, but of course, I was an only child so I never had anyone to play with. My parents played occasionally, but for the most part they were always working on keeping the house spotless or the bills paid (how dare they!). Us, on the other hand, finally found the majority of the smell in the fridge, have a sink full of dishes, a pile of laundry (as usual), and a floor that must be vacuumed so we no longer walk on a layer of fur left from the dogs.

Nope, we do not have a spotless house. This drives my husband crazy. He much more prefers the pre-pregnant house when things were much better kept, but it will soon return again with patience. But for now, I play with my little one, I clean when I can, and give my husband pep-talks to keep him confident of a clean house in the future.

Because I will always remember a piece of advice that my wise great-grandmother told my mother once: Your children may not remember the clean sheets or the spotless floor, but they will remember if you did not have time with them.

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