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Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Best Plan

I started my Ash Wednesday at 5:30AM as my husband got ready for his marathon day and I tried, in vain, to get a few more minutes sleep. But before I knew it the day was off and running. The little one missed her daddy so much, but some craft projects and a warm sandwich of "Potatoes and Eggs" made her feel better. We played games and ate some dinner a la Nonna. Later, her other set of grandparents came to give mommy a minute to breathe, just in time to find out that the road conditions had worsened so badly that my husband would be coming home early. The best laid plans.

Speaking of plans, I have 40 days. Forty days to get this family and this house ready for Easter. Not much time when you think about it. Preparation. Isn't that the point of Lent? It's time to better ourselves so that we are better able to receive Christ. And part of that preparation is improving our environment.

A dear friend of our family just lost her battle with cancer a week ago today. She was a pillar in our community and a lasting figure in my husband’s life. The town will never be the same. But her life was simple. She gardened, painted, and was a wonderful musician. She was neat, funny, and always concerned about living a natural life void of chemicals. She never had much and was satisfied with the simple pleasures in life. She was a role model to many people. And as we reflect on her life, we are reminded of the need to simplify. To give of ourselves and not expect payment. To prepare and simplify our minds to receive more than we can imagine.

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