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Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have made a decision.

There will be more teamwork around the house!

My husband is busier than a cat scratchin', and in the past I have been delibrate in assigning daily household chores for him to accomplish that wouldn't be overwhelming. The oldest child was still pretty small so I would assign her age appropriate tasks so that she could feel satisfied.

But now the oldest isn't too small for most chores with parental assistance and the husband needs to set an example of teamwork. Now, I assign tasks that daddy and the oldest can do together in addition to the daily grind.

My plan is simple. If we all live in the house, and enjoy the comforts of the house, then we all help with the house. Everyone learns responsibility, a bit of appreciation (which can go a long way), and share in an experience that usually results in a stronger family bond. We are not talking about re-grouting the bathroom (which does need to be done), more like setting the table.

If I was sick or had to leave the house for an emergency who would know how this household keeps afloat? By creating opportunities for the children and my husband to learn I create a set of living "sub-plans." And it takes a bit of stress from my life.

So far the oldest generally feels like she is contributing in a more obvious way. The husband is taking the helm of certain household chores and I have 5 minutes to write a blog as I brace for Holy Week.

1 comment:

The Jaracz Family said...

I've just been thinking about this too. My 5 year old vacuumed her room yesterday for the first time. A little harsh to be honest, but I'm 8 months pregnant after all. My husband just won't do it, but he keeps the handyman and outside stuff in order, so I have to finally accept that he's excused, except for taking out the trash!

Have a Blessed Easter!