Welcome to Being Mom. We are so happy that you are spending some time here today. This blog is designed for visitors to explore modern parenting in the Catholic Faith. Raising children is difficult in an unsure world. Raising children in the Faith can be just as difficult. We invite you to read and comment, gain some insight on service and education, and discover and share ways to contribute to the community. Treat yourself .

Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Year

Everyone deserves a fresh start. This year, my family and I could certainly use a clean slate. Full of challenges and stresses that would rival the building of the Great Wall of China, this year is one that we can be proud to have made it through, but for the grace of God. Now that we put some of that behind us, we are looking toward making New Year's resolutions.

Resoultions can seem silly because so many people make unrealistic goals and demands on themselves that they have no hope of ever accomplishing, but I look it as an opportunity. An opportunity to set small goals for yourself and your family to improve. This year my goal is to pay more attention to this blog. It has been a bit neglected lately, and that's not fair. My husband's resolution was semi-forced on him by his doctor and his cholestorol test: to be more active. (The damage done to his body was done before I was involed in "Spaeth Catering" everyday. lol) The bottom line is that both of our goals will help us be a better family, by improving our mental and physical health we can be better parents.

So make a resolution, a small realistic one. And if you feel so bold....share it with us.

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