Welcome to Being Mom. We are so happy that you are spending some time here today. This blog is designed for visitors to explore modern parenting in the Catholic Faith. Raising children is difficult in an unsure world. Raising children in the Faith can be just as difficult. We invite you to read and comment, gain some insight on service and education, and discover and share ways to contribute to the community. Treat yourself .

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh Boy!

After some unanticipanted time off, I am happily holding my sleeping four-month old in my arms and finally getting back to the blog.

Hi, everyone. I have missed blogging. Last winter was the winter from Pergatory. Everything that could have happened did and everything that couldn't happen did as well. We had every illness, every storm, and every problem that we could conceive.

But in late July, it was all worth it when my husband and I welcomed our littlest addition to the family. After a short, but difficult case of jaundice the littlest one is healthy and happy. There is so much to share it is hard to find a place to start. I suppose that is what time will bring. Keep you posted.